Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Guess I Am a Racist!

     I have recently been fascinated by the media coverage of the death of Trayvon Martin.  First, let me say that when anyone is killed, it is a tragedy, regardless of the color of their skin.  Second, no one knows for sure what happened that night other than Trayvon, George Zimmerman and eye witnesses.
     With that said, I find it fascinating that the media will only show pictures of an innocent 12 year old boy, not a 17 year old teenager flashing gang signs.  An accurate picture doesn't seem to support their agenda.   I also find people like Jesse Jackson, appalling.  Here is a "Reverend" who is supposedly consumed with ending racism, but yet I think that he actually encourages racism.  If racism suddenly ended, no one would pay him any attention at all.
     Here is his recent quote concerning the Trayvon Martin case, "Targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business."  Actually, I think that racism is big business in America.  Sadly, people are killed everyday.  Blacks kill blacks.  Whites kill whites.  Whites kill blacks, and every other possible combination.  But we only hear press if a white kills a black.  What has all the press concerning the Trayvon Martin case done to us?  Has it made us more racist or less racist?
     "Racist" tends to be the easiest and quickest label to throw on someone you disagree with.  I recently read a chain email that accused anyone who disliked the president of being a racist.  Yet I found the email "racist" in itself.  It said that at least Barack Obama "wasn't on welfare or selling drugs in front of a liquor store."  Why would the email assume that because he was a black man at least he wasn't a welfare recipient  or a drug dealer.
     Martin Luther King said that he dreamed of the day when someone "would be judged by the content of his character not the color of his skin."  That is why I disagree with our president, because of the content of his character, not the color of his skin.  I have seen him support so many things that God hates such as abortion and homosexuality.  I have seen him lie and deceive the American people, that is what I judge him upon: the content of his character.  If that makes me a "Racist," I guess we have redefined the word.
     The dictionary defines the word "Racist" as "someone who believes that a certain race is superior to any and all others."  God's word clearly tells us that there is no room in the kingdom of God for someone like that.  Martin Luther King was just echoing the words of Paul when he said, "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, man or woman.  For you are all one in Christ Jesus!"  Paul says that through Christ I can look at you and not see the color of your skin.  Through Christ I can look at you and see our similarities not our differences.
     I am so proud of the diverse church that I attend and would love to see it become even more diverse.  I don't want to be a part of an all white church or an all black church or an all fill-in-the-blank church, because I don't think that it reflects the kingdom of God.  I know for a fact that heaven will not be segregated.  Revelation 5:9 says "Your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation."  Heaven will be the most diverse place ever created.  We had better start learning how to love each other regardless of skin color if we are going to be together for eternity.
    Jesus is the only answer to racism.  Our world offers no solutions.  In fact, I believe it actually encourages racism.                 

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