Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My Most Shocking Blog Ever!

You may be asking yourself, “Is this just another one of Brad’s attempt at click-bait?”

He has written some pretty shocking blogs already.  What in the world could he be writing about that is so shocking? 

Am I going to be offended after reading this?

Hopefully not, but please hear me out.

I am shocked that I live in the greatest country on earth, and that I have so many freedoms that millions of people around the world take for granted!

I am shocked that I was raised by the most loving, Godly parents a kid could ever ask for!

I am shocked that I am married to the most beautiful, talented, compassionate woman I have ever met!

I am shocked that we have three healthy, kind, creative, intelligent children who love Jesus with all of their hearts!

I am shocked that we have more than enough of everything that we need!

I am shocked that we have a church family who loves us so deeply!

I am shocked by all of the amazing friendships I have been able to have!

I am shocked that I get paid to do what I love: sharing the life-changing truth of Jesus-Christ with students and adults!

I am shocked that I have had the opportunity to travel the world telling others about the God who loves them unconditionally!


This may sound like I am gloating, but I must tell you where all of these shocking blessings come from. 


I am shocked that the God of the universe loves me with an indescribable love! That He thinks about me continually!  That He surrounds me with loving-kindness!

I am shocked that through Jesus Christ I am forgiven of ALL of my sins!  (And I will let you in on a little secret: I am guilty of some pretty shocking sins that I am never going to tell you about!)

I am shocked that no matter how abundantly full my life feels, God continues to pour out more!

I am shocked that God continually overwhelms me with blessings that I could never earn or deserve!

I am shocked at how easily I take all of these things for granted!

Today I choose to pause and rehearse the blessings, freedoms, and privileges that I continually enjoy and I invite you to pause and do the same.  It may shock you to realize how blessed you really are!