The story behind this clip is that Michael Scott finds himself in deep credit card debt and is looking for a way out. His co-worker suggests he declare bankruptcy. Even though this TV character's foolishness is laughable, I wonder how often we have been guilty of the same thing. Have you ever been in a church service proclaiming at the top of your lungs "I LOVE JESUS," but then find yourself at work Monday morning wondering where your faith went?
Michael Scott's words were hollow because he didn't put the actions behind them to make them legal and binding. Jesus said, "If you love me, obey my commandments." Don't just sing songs about your love for me, make those songs real by living them out.
I have a friend who finds himself in a difficult stage of life. I have told him time and again "If you need my help just call me." I really meant it when I said it, but when he calls for help sometimes it is a real inconvenience. In those moments that I don't find love gushing from my heart, I realize that love is often times rolling up your sleeves and doing what is right even though you don't feel like it.
1 Corinthians 13 (the Message) says "No matter what I say, what I believe, what I do, I'm bankrupt without love." It is interesting to me that it seems like the church spends all its time on what we say, what we believe and what we do, but little time on what Paul says is more important than all of that combined: LOVE!
As Paul says, "Let me ask you something profound yet troubling?" Is it time to declare bankruptcy? Have we as Christians really missed the mark that badly? What if we took an honest look at our lives and our "spiritual activities?" Do we really believe that we are bankrupt without love? Or do we think that God is proud of us when say and believe the right things?
The answers to these questions trouble me to my core. Because the body of Christ, which I am a part of leading, which I have devoted my life to, has a long way to go. The truth that is even more troubling, as I look in the mirror I realize I have a long way to go. So here is my conclusion: I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY! God help me to see how bankrupt my life is without love?
This is so true and I can really relate with that feeling! Awesome message brad thank u!