I have people serve me all the time. My family, my co-workers, and people I don't know whenever I walk into a place of business. I have gotten pretty used to people serving me, but I must admit there would be situations where that would be pretty awkward. For instance if the President showed up at my house to mow my grass, I wouldn't be comfortable with that. If he came to my house I would fully expect to serve him, not the other way around. As weird as this sounds, isn't it interesting that we ask the Creator of the universe to serve us?
I was recently reading in 1 Corinthians 10. Paul is continuing his list of "things to avoid" that the Israelites did in the wilderness that brought God's punishment. He says, "We must never try to get Christ to serve us instead of us serving him." I looked up the story that Paul was referring to in the Old Testament. God miraculously provides food in the form of "manna" for the Israelites each morning, and what do they do about it? They start whining.
Can you imagine your family waking up each morning, going outside to see that stacks and stacks of hot pancakes dripping with butter and maple syrup have miraculously appeared on your back porch. For the first few weeks your grateful, but after awhile you start to get sick of pancakes. You and your family start complaining and start shouting to the skies, "Could we please get some bacon and eggs instead?"
Sounds absurd doesn't it? But that is exactly what the Israelites did, and you know I think that is what we are guilty of. God provides us with blessing upon countless blessing every day, and how do we respond? We basically say, "that's great God, but could I get some different blessings too?"
So how do we know if are trying to get Christ to serve us instead of us serving him? Listen to your prayers. When I pay attention to my prayers, I realize that most of them are asking Christ to serve me instead of me asking how I can serve him. I want to follow Christ's example when he prayed "not my will but yours be done."
I leave you today with this question:
How different would our lives look if we started our prayers with "God how can I serve you today?"
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