This is a question that I wrestle with a lot. As I dialogue with people about issues of faith, I feel so schizophrenic in my answers. I feel like I continually "speak out of both sides of my mouth." On the one hand, what we believe about God is so crucial to the way we live our lives. Our knowledge or lack of knowledge about God's word has such a drastic effect upon our relationship with him. But on the other hand, just filling our minds with knowledge about God and no experience with him is as dry as stale crackers.
My knowledge of God is foundational, but if it had not been for my experience with God, I doubt I would be following him today. Feeling the presence of God has carried me through times of doubt and confusion. When my mind gets tired my heart carries me on. On the other hand, if I only follow God when I "feel" him, I will constantly give up when my heart gets tired. On the other hand, (wait a minute. . . how many other hands are there? This argument has turned into a monster.) Told you I feel schizophrenic in my answers.
I love what Erwin McManus said, "God is not a drug. He will not make you feel better without making you better." God's word says to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength." Experiencing God is a mystical experience, and any teacher or church who tells you that you only pursue God with your mind is totally missing the point. Also, any church that is only about "feeling God's presence" and constantly pursuing the next "God high" is missing the point as well.
God cares deeply about how we feel and wants us to experience him with our passion and emotions. He also cares deeply about what we think and believe. He wants us to study deeply his word and pursue him with our mind.
If we only pursue God with our emotions we will turn into "spiritual nut cases." If we only pursue God with our minds we will turn into "self righteous prigs." (to quote C.S. Lewis)
I want to live somewhere in the middle. I want to be Truth on Fire! Ultimately I believe that the Heart and the Mind keep the Soul in Line!